
Mon Perin, equity capital increase and development of new projects

This marks, symbolically, the beginning of a new era in the development of this peculiar tourism company of Bale Valle. The equity capital has been increased from the current 31 million and 61 thousand kuna by an amount not lower than 30 million and not higher than 65 million.

Thus, the recapitalisation process in question involved 30 million kuna of investment in cash and the rest in shares of Adris Grupa.

Through this new investment cycle Mon Perin definitely extends to outside the camping area on the coast of Bale Valle and starts constructing, that is, developing new accommodation capacities in the town and local area of Bale Valle, but is also interested in investing in tourism in the area of Fažana.

Glas Istre, Izvanredna skupština društva Mon Perin